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Donald Trump’s trial

Today's trial was all about if the former US president Donald Trump misrepresented (falsified) business records to conceal criminal...

The Ministerial Code

The ministerial code requires ministers to be open and honest! Code 1.3d states: “Ministers should be as open as possible with Parliament...

A new PM and a new King!

We have all witnessed the most significant events in the UK in the past week, the power passing to a new female Prime Minister, passing...

Liz v Rishi

Both candidates yesterday evening tried to portray themselves as good colleagues; respectful to one another and yet able to be a critic...

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Honestus Politics offers an insight into how politics can be a light in the darkness; a beacon of truth and hope in the midst of dispair and ruin; a means to a positive end; a type of service that will enable others to flourish and prosper in dignity and harmony with each other; and a symphony of the most beautiful story of human aspiration, love for others and compassion! 

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